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000-609 Questions And Answers


Which of the following is an advantage of using WS-Security instead of SSL?

A. Provides assured message delivery.
B. Provides message integrity for the entire message.
C. Provides security in end-toend scenarios across trust boundaries.
D. Provides mutual authentication to authenticate both the server and client.

Answer: C


A customer would like to use a WebSphere DataPower service to translate inbound xml essages into COBOL copybook messages. The translation will be performed by a predefined WebSphere Transformation Extender map file. The DataPower service should support both WebSphere MQ and HTTP on the frontside. Based on the scenario above, which of the following is the MOST appropriate DataPower service type?

A. Web Service Proxy
B. XML Firewall Service
C. Multi-Protocol Gateway
D. Web Application Firewall

Answer: C


A company is planning to implement disaster recovery (DR) for their two existing WebSphere
DataPower Integration Appliance XI50s which have been used for different projects.
The following conditions apply:
1) The two devices (source and target appliance) are located in geographically dispersed data centers.
2) The firmware level is V3.8.1 on the source appliance and V3.8.1 on the target appliance and their hardware is compatible
3) Both appliances have a different set of users that need to be merged
4) The source appliance has been initialized with disaster recovery mode and is to be securely backed up and restored on to the target appliance. Which of the following statements is TRUE and supports the above conditions?

A. The target appliance must be set to disaster recovery mode for the secure restore to be successful.
B. Merge the contents of the source appliance with the target appliance so as to merge the users on both appliances and do not use the overwrite option when prompted.
C. The target device will be overwritten. It is not possible to automatically merge the different users on source and target appliances using secure backup and restore.
D. After a secure restore was run, the administrator realizes that some existing data on the target appliance needs to be saved so the admin can stop the secure restore and start it later after backing up required data on the target appliance

Answer: C

the 000-438 pdf exam

We took the 000-438 exam, but when we saw the large quantities of study materials, we became a little anxious. We studied day and light till someday I felt that we could not capture the main points of the real test, so I entered the professional IBM forum to copy others experience.

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650-177 real exam questions

We all know that Cisco 650-177 exam dumps is a popular exam Cisco certification exam can be a very good market acceptance. Meanwhile, the 650-177 exam question is a relatively difficult test, because it includes a lot of problems, how to quickly grasp all the knowledge it has always been a difficult point.

650-177 on the market there are many resource materials, but the content too much, to complete all learning may take a long time.

Is there any way to completion of a week to 650-177 ?

Here we introduce a good teaching materials, training materials 650-177 "SMB Solutions for Account Managers (SMBAM)", also called the Cisco 650-177 training material learning materials. It is no extra content, is a collection of questions and answers. You can use it as a problem set or review the materials to use, it can also be used as exam questions.

Including 650-177 real exam questions and answers for all, that is, you have to master all the issues to be passed the exam.

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What two technologies do SMB customers most often want to implement in the future? (Choose two.)

E.Data Center


HP2-E26 dumps certification

1.Performing a SWOT analysis will help you understand the customer perspective and positively affect the outcome of the HP solution. Which attributes are examined during a SWOT analysis?

A. services, workforce, outcomes, and tools

B. standards, workloads, operations, and technology

C. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

D. servers, workstations, operating systems, and terminals

Answer: C

2.What is a revenue-generating initiative that a company might undertake?

A. supply chain consolidation

B. new product launch

C. IT staff outsourcing

D. virtualization study

Answer: B

3.Which focus area represents an old business paradigm?

A. business outcome focus

B. focus on innovation

C. focus on shared IT assets across the enterprise

D. operational focus

Answer: D

the IBM 000-340 exam question

1.When installing IBM WebSphere Application Server, V5.0 and the Web server plug-in on a machine that has an existing Web server, the administrator will need to ________ .

A.start the IBM WebSphere Application Server, V5.0 during the install. The application server configuration file will be updated as a part of the installation

B.stop the IBM WebSphere Application Server, V5.0 during the install. The application server configuration file will be updated as a part of the installation

C.start the database. The database server configuration file will be updated as a part of the installation

D.stop the Web server during the install. The Web server configuration file will be updated as a part of the installation


2.Immediately after installation, to test the correct independent operation of the Web server, open a browser to the following URL: _________ .






3.What is the environment variable that points to the location where the JDK is installed?






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